September 2024
- July 2025
taught by Kirsten Hartvig ND and Dr Nic Rowley
and guest lecturers
8 units, following the seasons.
All students entering Year 3 of the Diploma Course in Naturopathy must have successfully completed Year 2, including the hand-in and presentation of all required case study analyses and treatment plans; and the successful completion of the Year 2 First Aid weekend.
Year 3 is taught to Level 4 standard, progressing to Level 5.
It consists of two components:
Advanced Topics
Clinical Training
By the end of Year 3, you will be prepared to sit the Final Clinical Examination.
Success in this examination will lead to the award of a Diploma of Naturopathy and right to practice Naturopathy.
The broad goal of the teaching of the principles and practice of Naturopathy is to equip the students with the knowledge, practical abilities and communication skills required to function effectively as a practising naturopath.
By the end of year 3 you will:
Demonstrate skill in history taking, observation and clinical examination, and in the concise and accurate recording of clinical information,
Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills with patients, colleagues and other health professionals in the formulation of solutions to patients’ problems that promote health and well-being.
Demonstrate skill in verbal and written communication with patients, colleagues and other health professionals on all matters concerning the patient’s wellbeing and their personal health plan.
Be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, treatment and prognosis of common disorders of human function.
Be able to formulate personal health plans for your patients (involving specialist referral and further investigations where indicated) by the integration of clinical information, based on scientific rationale and informed by the established principles of naturopathy.
Be able to describe various modes of management with proper regard to -dosages, side effects, potential toxicity, interactions with other treatments, and contra-indications (wherever applicable).
For Advanced Topics, teaching and learning during Year 3 will involve:
Lectures, including the use of video and audio materials and presentations
Group discussions
Student presentations
Clinical skills demonstrations and workshops (including role play)
Therapeutic technique workshops
Case study analyses and presentations (small group and individual)
Individual tutorials
Several sessions in year 3 will involve specialist guest lectures and practical demonstrations.
On completion of each of the following Year 3 Units, you will be invited to complete an online MCQ covering the materials presented in each Unit.
The pass mark for each MCQ is 80%, but you will be allowed multiple attempts in order to achieve this mark. Completion of all 8 Unit MCQs is a precondition of sitting the Final Clinical Exam.
Unit 1: 5 - 8 September 2024: Advanced Naturopathic techniques
Unit 2: 3 - 6 October 2024: Advanced herbal medicine approaches. Advanced dietetics
Unit 3: 14 - 17 November 2024: The development of contemporary naturopathy. Naturopathy - a global picture. Ethics in medical practice
Unit 4: 30 January - 2 February 2025: Practice management. Referral and collaboration. Blood tests and other investigations
Unit 5: 27 February - 2 March 2025: Supplements (including possible side effects and interactions). Dispensary protocols
Unit 6: 27 - 30 March 2025: Research methods, including the analysis, interpretation and assessment of research papers. Safeguarding in practice
Unit 7: 22 - 26 May 2025: Practitioner development post-qualification. Biodynamics, Nature Cure and sustainability
Unit 8: 26 - 29 June 2025: Revision
Unit 9: 17 - 20 July 2025: FINAL CLINICAL EXAMS
If you would like to join us next year, and would like more details below about
the Nature Cure Diploma Course YEAR 3 starting in September 2024,
please register your interest here.
If you already know this is right for you and what you want to do, you can book your place directly here on the page: